
The Find option lets you to search the entire encyclopedia for articles containing a specific word or phrase. This is particularly useful if you want to read about a specific person, product or service but don't know where to look.

Using Find

When the Find dialog box appears, the text entry field at the top is empty. Use the keyboard to start typing your search words and they will appear in the text entry field. Each word should be separated by a single space. The search is not case-sensitive, so you can type your search words in any combination of upper- or lower-case letters. You must enter complete words, partial words are not searched.

When you are finished typing your search words, select Find. An alphabetical list of articles that contain those words will appear in the Search Results box on the right. If a scroll bar appears along the right edge of the list, you can scroll through the list by selecting the arrows at the bottom or the top of the scroll bar.

If you would like to jump to one of the articles on the list, first select the article to highlight it, then select on the Go To button. This will automatically close the dialog box and take you to the article you have selected.

If you want to try a different set of search words, don't select Go To. Instead, select Clear to return to the Find dialog box. You can then type in new search words.

Other Options

Close - closes the dialog box and takes you back to the previous window.

Question Mark - activates this on-line help system.